Channel: Man Flow Yoga
Category: Sports
Tags: athlete performanceathletes for yogayogamale yogayoga for beginners menrunnersyoga for guysyoga for mancyclistsman flow yogamens yogayoga for athletesathletic performancetriathletesman yogamanflowyogamen yoga
Description: 💥💥💥 Join our FREE 7-Day, Beginners Yoga Challenge + Receive a FREE GIFT (Previously Members-Only Workout: Head & Neck Essentials) | 💥💥💥 - Want a yoga flow designed for athletes (runners, swimmers, cyclists, anybody who trains toward a goal!) to improve your performance? This is a quick, fun follow-along flow to target your entire body and work on aspects of strength, mobility, and balance not typically covered in most training routines. This video is quick, but you can repeat the two main flows in this routine 3 to 5x each, holding each pose for 10 - 30 seconds, to help make it longer and more challenging. Give it a shot! Can you do 5 per side? Sponsored by Rhone. Use code “manflowyoga” for 15% Savings on your total purchase at I’m a proud brand ambassador for Rhone, and have been using their top-notch apparel for the last 6 years. Shown here: Versatility 7” Short (Medium) & Swift Tank (Medium) More videos from the Rhone partnership: 7-Minute Yoga Break - Timestamps: 00:00 - Introduction 00:30 - High_Lunge 01:23 - One-legged Balance Pose 01:45 - One-legged Balance Pose with Twist 02:30 - High_Lunge 03:19 - One-legged Balance Pose 03:44 - One-legged Balance Pose with Twist 04:42 - High Lunge, One-legged Balance, One-legged Balance with Twist Flow Repeat 06:07- Plank 06:18 - One Arm, One Leg Plank 06:45 - Prone Row 07:01 - Downward Facing Dog Pose 07:24 - One Arm, One Leg Plank 07:58 - Prone Row 08:12 - Downward Facing Dog Pose 08:30 - Closing Notes 👉 WELCOME to your yoga for men channel by Man Flow Yoga. Man Flow Yoga was made for guys who are new to yoga, who aren’t flexible and want a more effective workout. Our workouts are non-spiritual and designed to help men build mobility, flexibility, and strength. 😍 SUBSCRIBE for MORE free yoga each week: 🎉 Full-length Man Flow Yoga Workouts are added every Monday to the Man Flow Yoga Members Area. There are over 350 videos and over 40 guided programs to choose from! 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 MORE MAN FLOW YOGA: ✨Man Flow Yoga Members Area✨ Man Flow Yoga App is now live: 📣iOS Apple - 📣 Android - 📣Fire TV - ▶︎ Man Flow Yoga Cork Yoga Mat & Block Bundle: - LIMITED TIME OFFER: Use code "MFYGEAR" for $40 Savings! ▶︎ Start the FREE 7-Day Yoga Challenge: ▶︎ YOGA FOR MEN SERIES PLAYLIST: ▶︎ BEGINNER VIDEOS PLAYLIST: 💪 Facebook: /manflowyoga 💪 Instagram: @manflowyoga 📣📣📣 4.8 out of 5 Stars and the #1 Ranked Yoga Website on Trustpilot - Click Here to Read our Reviews 👉 - #yogaformen #mensyoga #yogaforbeginners #yoga #beginnersyoga